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1841 to 18,401 AS
(3797 to 20,357 AD)

Table of the Contents

   Timekeeping in the Terran Autocracy
   Civilisation Before the Foundation Wars    
         c.12,000 B.S. - 1829 A.S.
14,000 years
   The Terran Federation
         1841 - 2702 A.S.
860 years
      The First
   Terran Autocracy

         2702 - 5573 A.S.
2,870 years
   The 1st Interregnum Era
         5573 - 6316 A.S.
740 years
      The Second
   Terran Autocracy

         6316 - 9304 A.S.
2,990 years
   The 2nd Interregnum Era
         9304 - 10,263 A.S.
960 years
      The Third
   Terran Autocracy

    (The Terran Empire)

         10,263 - 13,218 A.S.
2,950 years
   The 3rd Interregnum
         13,218 - 16,326 A.S.
3,100 years
      The Fourth
   Terran Autocracy

         16,326 - 17,138 A.S.
812 years
   The Sirean Occupation
         17,138 - 17,520 A.S.
382 years
      The Final
   Terran Autocracy

         17,520 - 18,401 A.S.
880 years

Timekeeping in the Terran Autocracy

By the time of the Terran Autocracy the Gregorian Calendar (the calendar we use today) is no longer in use and has been replaced by the "Oenotrian Calendar" whose years begin, not on January 1, but on December 21: the Winter Solstice.

The years used by this new calendar are labeled: A.S. for "Anno Scienta".
These years count from the launching of Mankind's first satellite in 1957 A.D. (1 A.S.)
and begin on December 21, 1956 A.D. (1 Capricorn, 1 A.S.)

Any years occuring before this date are labeled B.S. for "Before Sputnik"
Therefore December 20, 1956 A.D. = 30 Sagittarius, 1 B.S.

The Oenotrian Calendar:

~ 30 days ~
Dec. 21 - Jan. 19
Daeis 1 - 30
~ 31 days ~
Mar. 20 - Apr. 19
(Mar. 19 - Apr. 18)

Daeis 90 - 120
~ 31 days ~
June 21 - July 21
Daeis 183 - 213
          (184 - 214)
~ 30 days ~
Sept. 22 - Oct. 21
Daeis 276 - 305
          (277 - 306)
~ 28 days ~
Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Daeis 31 - 58
~ 31 days ~
Apr. 20 - May 20
(Apr. 19 - May 19)

Daeis 121 - 151
~ 31 days ~
July 22 - Aug. 21
Daeis 214 - 244
          (215 - 245)
~ 30 days ~
Oct. 22 - Nov. 20
Daeis 306 - 335
          (307 - 336)
~ 31 days ~
Feb. 17 - Mar. 19
(Feb. 17 - Mar. 18)*

Daeis 59 - 89
~ 31 or 32 days ~
May 21 - June 20
(May 20 - June 20)

Daeis 152 - 182
          (152 - 183)
~ 31 days ~
Aug. 22 - Sept. 21
Daeis 245 - 275
          (246 - 276)
~ 30 days ~
Nov. 21 - Dec. 20
Daeis 336 - 365
          (337 - 366)

*Dates in (brackets) and italics correspond to leap-years.
Leap-years in the Oenotrian Calendar coincide with those in the Gregorian Calendar.

Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) begins on the 1st of Capricorn,
Spring Equinox on the 1st of Aries,
Summer Solstice on the 1st of Cancer,
Autumn Equinox on the 1st of Libra.

Below, an example of the calendar for our current year: 67 A.S.
(Dec. 21, 2022 - Dec. 20, 2023 A.D.)

The Rise of Civilisation on Earth
c.12,000 - 100 B.S.

The history of Civilisation begins some twelve thousand years before the advent of Space Travel, when the first human beings sowed the first crops and the settled the first villages. Slowly but surely, they left their primitive ways behind, and over the course of millenia, their villages grew to become the first walled cities, the cities united to become the first kingdoms, and the kingdoms were conquered to become the first empires.

Across the ages, these early civilisations would rise and fall, but eventually, four thousand years after the construction of the Great Pyramids, a spark of reason would ignite in the minds of men. A spark that would lead to an age when the light of Science and Reason would enlighten the World, and Man would grow to such a power that he was ready to conquer the universe...

c.11,700 Before Sputnik
End of the Last Ice Age

c.11,600 B.S.
    The fires are lit in the first temples, built around early farming settlements in the Middle-East.

The Dawn of Civilisation

11,520-5015 B.S.
The Hyborian Age
     The earliest centuries of human civilisation.
Mankind, without writing, develops the first walled cities, sustained agriculture, and international trade.

5015-3133 B.S.
The Old Age of Empires
     What was once called the "Bronze Age". The first true empires arise in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, Crete, and China.

4460 B.S.
    The Great Pyramids of Giza are completed.

3447 B.S.
    The eruption of Thera.

3313-2732 B.S.
The Heroic Dark Age
     The first civilisations collapse and leave the western world in centuries of darkness.

2732-1421 B.S.
The Classical Age of Empires
     Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, and Han Dynasty China dominate the classical era of ancient civilisation.

1924 B.S.
    The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

1481 B.S.
    The Fall of the Western Roman Empire.

1421 B.S.
    The Plague of Justinian spells the end of the ambitions of Rome, and harkening in of the calamities of the medieval age.

1421-465 B.S.
The Medieval Dark Age
     The fall of classical civilisation brings progress in the western world to a halt.

862-666 B.S.
    The Crusades

609 B.S.
    The Black Death

465 B.S.
    Columbus Discovers America
A new age exploration begins, sending the western world to heights of power it has never experienced before.

465-43 B.S.
The New Age of Empires
    The colonial empires of Europe dominate the Earth.

c.200 B.S. - 100 A.S.
The Technological Revolution
    Upon adopting science and reason, Mankind blossoms in his ability to dominate nature and expand his abilities. And an age of increasing technological ability ultimately leads to the beginnings of the Space Age and beyond.

The First Global Civilisation
40 B.S. - 165 A.S.

With the advent of industrial technology, the first Global Civilisation spreads across the Earth.
Building on the accomplishments of the Industrial Revolution and fueled by oil, Western Civilisation rose to heights unparalleled by anything that had come before it.
In addition to nuclear power and space travel; television, computers, genetic engineering, and robotics were all invented during this period.

But like the mythical Faust, the rulers of the Old Civilisation demanded too much power, too much control over their people. Therefore, as time wore on, their nations fell into poverty and decay and they were ultimately doomed to destroy themselves in fiery conflict.

43-39 B.S.
World War I

18-12 B.S.
World War II

1 Anno Scienta  1957 AD
The Beginning of the Space Age
  Mankind launches its first artificial satellite into Earth's orbit: Sputnik 1

13 A.S.
    The first man lands on the Moon.

29 A.S.
    7 Sagittarius (November 27):
     Ryley David Douglas Nickel is born in the "City of Champions" (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada).

67 A.S.  2023 AD
     Our present

81 A.S.
    The first man lands on Mars.

101-105 A.S.
World War III

c.105-160 A.S.
The Decline of Western Civilisation
    Following it's third world war, overpopulated and with depleting resources, the Old Civilisation falls into irreversable decline.

158-165 A.S.
The Apocalypse
    The Antichrist, Leopold Nicolai, rises to power in Europe and soon becomes the most powerful man in the world.
During his reign, the Old Civilisation enters it's final world war and ultimately destroys itself in the fires of Nuclear Holocaust.

The Post-Apocalypse
165-c.800 A.S.

For centuries, in the wake of Armageddon, civilisation lies in ruins.
Much of the old knowledge and technology are lost and men return to primitive implements.

180 A.S.
    The planet Phaethon, in the Alpha Centauri System, is colonised by a crew of astronauts who left Earth before the Apocalypse.

283-287 AS
The Dark War

550 A.S.
    Veho Vasallus rediscovers Antarctica (now partially thawed due to global warming).

c.800 A.S.
Global Warming has Risen the Seas

    During the centuries of the Post-Apocalypse the industrial gases left over by the Old Civilisation continued to warm the Earth until the ice caps had completely melted and the oceans had risen by 220 feet. The equatorial regions became torrid deserts, the polar regions became habitable for the first time in Man's history, and the map of the Earth was greatly changed.

    By the time a New Civilisation arose a new world was left behind for Mankind to inherit.

The Rebirth of Civilisation
c.800-1050 A.S.

After centuries of existing in Post-Apocalyptic ruin, a New Civilisation begins to rise from the ashes of the Old.
A new golden age of Mankind is ushered in as the old knowledge and technologies are gradually rediscovered.

815-825 AS
World War V

825 A.S.
     The Oenotrian Republic is founded in Antarctica.

989 A.S.
     The Atlantan Confederacy is founded in what was once America.

1041 A.S.
     The Boriterranean Federation is founded in the lands surrounding the Arctic Ocean.

1052-1065 AS
World War VI

1056 A.S.
     The Chinese Hegemony is founded in China.

The Solar Diaspora
c.1050-1300 A.S.

With the discovery of nuclear fusion, the New Civilisation reaches heights never achieved by the Old.
Rockets are sent back into space, Man's first interplanetary civilisation is created as colonies are set up across the Solar System,
and great interstellar vessels are sent to the stars.

1081 A.S.
     Man returns to Outer Space for the first time in 900 years.

1095 A.S.
     Man returns to the Moon.

1126 A.S.
     Man returns to Mars.

     Terraformation soon begins

1165 A.S.
     China lands the first man on Venus.

1216 A.S.
     The terraformation of Venus commences

1255 A.S.
     Men from Earth return to the planet Phaethon.

1279 A.S.
     The first man lands on the moon Epaphus, in the Epsilon Eridani System.

1281-1315 AS
The Confederacy Wars

     Fall of the Atlantan Confederacy.

1296 A.S.
     The first man lands on the planet Deianara in the Tau Ceti System.

The Technocracy Era
c.1350-1512 A.S.

As Man's knowledge and power grows, his technology rises to the point where it threatens to become more powerful than him.
It is a time of decadence and ignorance when people live in domed cities spending most of their time in virtual fantasy worlds, apathetic to the fact that they are hostage to technocratic regimes.

1439-1502 A.S.
     The evil megacorp Sairakeis takes over Japan, China and much of the Eastern Hemisphere, converting it's citizens into mindless cyborg slaves.

1508-1512 AS
The Great Machine War

     Sairakeis is defeated and Earth is divided in two between the Boriterranean Empire in the north and the Oenotrian Empire in the south.

1512 A.S.
The Treaty of Neamilanis
     Technologies deemed hazardous to the survival of the human race (AI, computer brain implants, virtual reality, etc.) are severely restricted. Some are strictly forbidden.
Mankind pushes forward as a wiser race.

The Twin Empires Era
1512-1814 A.S.

In the aftermath of the Great Machine War, Boriterranea and Oenotria remain as the only nations strong enough to inherit the Earth.
Together they forge the Boriterranean and Oenotrian Empires and divide the Earth between them for the next three hundred years.

1512-1525 A.S.
     The Great Cyborg Expulsion.

1657 A.S.
The Hiroma Rebellion
     The Saibogu Dynasty is founded on Venus (now half terraformed).

1711 A.S.
     Mabus Napthora is born.

1800 A.S.  3755 AD
3 Capricorn: Cyrus Basileus is born in the "City of Champions" (Edmontonea, Boriterranean Empire).

1814-1841 AS
The Foundation Wars

1825 A.S.
     The Second Nuclear Holocaust

     Mabus Napthora becomes Emperor of Earth.

1829 A.S.
     Cyrus Basileus leads the revolt against the evil tyrant, Mabus Napthora.

1841 A.S.
    1 Pisces:
     Cyrus Basileus slays Napthora and liberates the Earth.

    7 Sagittarius:
     Upon his triumphant victory, the Terran Federation is founded and Cyrus Basileus is appointed the first Imperator.

     The old empires of Oenotria and Boriterranea remain as the Northern and Southern Consulates of the Federation. Consuls are voted locally in each every seven years. Power is shared between the Consuls and their respective senates, seated in their old state capitals, and the Imperator presiding over them, seated at Nova Eburicum.

The Terran Federation
1841-2702 A.S.
(3797-4658 AD)

Rising from the ashes of the Second Nuclear Holocaust and the twenty-seven year long Foundation Wars, Cyrus Basileus founds a government based on the principles of individual merit and long term stability. Struggling in it's earliest years, new infrastructure is soon built and eventually, the Federation becomes a power to be reckoned with commanding it's own interstellar colonial empire.

1871-1939 A.S.  Phaethon Years 886-921  /  Epaphus Years 990-1103
[1876-1942 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     The Phaethon-Epaphus Wars
Waged between the Epaphian Empire and the Toliman Republic of Phaethon.

1881 A.S.
     Cymerdis Cennedis is elected by the two senates to be the second imperator upon the passing of the great Cyrus Basileus. He takes on the moniker Cennedis Basileus to honor the legend of his predecessor, a tradition that continues with every imperator until the end of the Federation Era.

1939 A.S.  Phaethon Year 921
[1943 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     The Toliman Holocaust occurs on Phaethon

1943 A.S.
     News reaches Earth informing of a global catastrophe that has occured on Phaethon. A fleet is sent immediately to the Alpha Centauri System to respond.

1949 A.S.  Phaethon Year 926
[1953 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     The Terran fleet arrives at Phaethon and finds that the planet has been ravaged by a particularly dangerous pathogen. They soon defeat the remaining Epaphian forces, and under orders of the spectre of Cenneis Basileus, the planet is put under global quarantine.

For the next thirteen hundred years, Phaethon descends into a medieval state.

1973 A.S.  Tau Ceti Year‡ 598
[1985 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     Deianara seperates from the Epaphian Empire.

1992 A.S.  Epaphus Year 1191
[2002 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     Collapse of the Epaphian Empire of Epaphus
The Commonwealth of Epaphus is established in its place.

c.2000 A.S.  circa 40th Venusian Turning
Terraformation is complete on Venus.
     Once an inhospitable planet with an atmosphere of sulpheric acid and pressure-cooker conditions at the surface, it is now a tropical world covered with shallow oceans and steamy jungles.

2003 A.S.  Tau Ceti Year‡ 636
[2015 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     Terraformation begins on the planet Abderus in the Tau Ceti System.

‡The planet Abderus, which experiences no changing of seasons, uses the same year as Deianara which is equal to about 0.78 Earth years.

Go to: The History of the Tau Ceti System

2025 A.S.
     Imperator Merrodaeo Basileus sends the massive colonial starship, the Interstellar Ark, known to later generations as "Merrodaeo's Ark", to the Altair System.

Having won the contract to terraform, the Mahdian megacorp, Sieramco, initiates the settlement and colonisation of this new world. Disenfranchised by the oppressive influence of the Mundian Order, Mahdians of the long-dead Golden Caliphate emigrate from Earth en mass to assist in the colonisation of this new system.

2043 A.S.
     Merrodaeo launches an invasion against Venus for fear of the growing power of it's cyborg population.

2043-2051 A.S.   49th to 50th Venusian Turnings
Second Venus War
     Fought for five years by Merrodaeo Basileus until his untimely death in 2048. Carried on by Imperator Nerriclisser Basileus.
Earth defeats the Saibogu Dynasty and wages seven bloody years of guerilla conflict before finally pulling out in 2051.

2048 A.S.
[2065 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     The Interstellar Ark arrives at the planet Altair IV and colonisation and terraforming begins. The planet remains a colony of the Federation.

Go to: The History of Sireac

2066 A.S.  Mars Year 1100
     In response to the growing power of the Terran Federation, the nations of Mars band together to form the Martian Alliance. Earth's only substantial rival in the Solar System for the next 600 years.

2226 A.S.  Andaman Year‡ 1
[2245 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     The planet Alsafi III of the Sigma Draconis System is colonised.
The Venusian megacorp, Gosao, commences terraformation of this new world.

‡one year on Alsafi III is equal to about 0.55 Earth years.

2257 A.S.  Andalus Year 380 B.C.
[2277 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     The planet Delta II of the Delta Pavonis System is colonised.
The Nubean megacorp, Kwanumbe, is awarded the contract to terraform.

2444 A.S.  [Andaman Year 402]
     Alsafi III is declared completedly terraformed.

2458 A.S.  Andaman Year 426
[2477 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
The Andaman Mutiny
     Under orders of Imperator Melission Basileus II, Alsafi III (now commonly called Andaman) is incorporated as part of the Terran Federation.

c.2500 A.S.
     Terraformation is complete on Altair IV.

2561-2599 A.S.
[2578-2616 A.S. from Earth's Perpective]
The Sirean Jihad
     After centuries of percieved oppression, the Mahdian population of Altair IV declare jihad against the Terran Federation. Successful in their efforts, the Terran overlords are ousted and the planet is renamed Sireac.

2566 A.S.  Sireac Year‡ 1
[2583 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     Shah Akkar the Great is proclaimed the first king of the Golden Kingdom of Sireac.

‡one year on Sireac is equal about 4.49 Earth years.

2575 A.S.  Tau Ceti Year 1366
[2587 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     Thranikkus, the Abderitan Rebel, makes his last stand against the Republicans on Abderus.

2616-2630 A.S.  121st to 122nd Venusian Turnings
     The Huan War occurs on Venus.

     The beginning of the Huan Dynasty

2646-2661 A.S.  Mars Years 1408-1416
The Martian Wars
     Overconfident in his power, King Tarian Tarkas of Mars launches an invasion against Earth. Initially tooken by surprise, the Terran Federation eventually regains it's footing, defeats the Martian armada and pushes the war back to Mars itself.

Utterly defeated and ravaged by war, Mars is occupied by Terran forces and is annexed as part of the Federation.
Both worlds lie devestated.

2650 A.S.  Andaman Year 776
[2668 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
The White Lotus Revolution occurs on Andaman
     Millions of Andamanese rise up and declare their independence from Federation rule, starting a decades long conflict with Earth.

2655-2668 A.S.  Andalus Year 12 B.C. to 1
[2675-2688 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
The Native Conquest of Andalus
     Nubean colonials on the planet Delta II, now named Andalus, revolt against the Terrans and win their independence from Earth.

‡one year on Andalus (Delta II) is equal to about 1.08 Earth years.

2670s A.S.
Crisis of the Seventies
     In the wake of the destruction of the Martian Wars, and with loss of Andaman, Andalus, and Sireac, the Federation has become desperate and authoritarian. Power hungry consuls are held in check only by the staying hand of the imperator.
     The populace, troubled and confused, become split and divided between those who support the consuls and those who support the imperator.

2685 A.S.
     Narmer Proeleptis is appointed as 24th imperator of the Terran Federation.
The most divisive imperator in Federation history. Some compare him to the ancient American President Schwarzeneggar.

2689-2702 AS
The Consular Wars

     Civil war erupts on Earth as consuls Pisoel Cratoris of the Northern Consulate and Cierocis Proxen the Southern Consulate vie to re-instate the old Twin Empires and Imperator Narmer Basileus is forced into conflict with his own consuls in an effort to preserve the Federation.

2702 A.S.
     Victorious in the war, Narmer eliminates the office of consul and abolishes the two Consulates of the Federation. Instead Earth will now be divided into seventeen provinces ruled by one unified government with one senate, seated in Nova Eburicum.

    5 Aries: Narmer takes on powers of both consul and imperator and becomes the first Terran Autocrat.

See: List of Terran Autocrats

The First Terran Autocracy
2702-5573 A.S.
(4658-7529 AD)

In the wake of the Consular Wars, the government founded by Cyrus Basileus matures into it's own under the wise rule of the ultimate individual: the Autocrat. Selected from the very best of the population, the Autocrats rule and protect the Earth for the next three millenia bringing the entire Solar System under her wing and conquering planets beyond.

   The 1st Era
         2702-3108 A.S.   
406 years
   The 2nd Era
         3108-3653 A.S.
545 years
   The 3rd Era
         3653-3899 A.S.
246 years
   The 4th Era
         3899-4366 A.S.
467 years
   The 5th Era
         4366-5126 A.S.
760 years
   The 6th Era
         5126-5573 A.S.
447 years

2702-3108 A.S.  4658-5064 AD
The First Era of the Terran Autocracy
    The Autocrat, guided by the Senate and the Assembly, rules wisely over the Earth. His Autocracy endeavouring to conquer the entire Solar System and rid it of pirates, rebels and asteroid bandits.

2707 A.S.  [Andaman Year 915]
     Autocrat Narmer Proeleptis formally grants the Asiatic planet Andaman (formerly named Alsafi III) it's independence.

2717 A.S.  Sireac Year 32
[2744 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Mu Herculis System: Postmillenial Christian infidels from Sireac commandeer the old starship Merrodaeo's Ark to colonise the planet Malakbel.

2835 A.S.  148th Venusian Turning
     Venus is annexed into the Terran Autocracy under Autocrat Marea Nietha.

2947-2960 A.S.  Epaphus Years 2789-2811
[2958-2971 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the moon Epaphus: The Great Civil War
     An upstart group of scientific ideologues known as the "epistemians" rise up and foment civil unrest across the windy moon, ultimately instigating civil war.

2960 A.S.  Epaphus Year 2811,  1 A.E. (year 1 in the Age of Elaboration)
     On the moon Epaphus: Founding of the Epistemian Union
     The epistemians, having won the war, found a totalitarian empire that should rule the moon for six hundred local years, and remain the Terran Autocracy's greatest rival until the 42nd Century.

2991 A.S.  Tau Ceti Year 1897
[3003 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Tau Ceti Sytem: Deianara joins the Epistemian Union of Epaphus.

3059 A.S.   165 A.E. on Epaphus,  Belusian Year‡ 1
[3089 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Rana System: The Epistemian Union of Epaphus colonises the planets Belus and Danaus.

‡one year on Belus is equal to about 1.88 Earth years.
†one year on Danaus is equal to about 2.35 Earth years.

3098 A.S.  Mars Year 1648
     Mars separates from the Terran Autocracy.

     Founding of the Martian Republic

3101 A.S.
     The last independent space colony in the Solar System is conquered by Autocrat Ueben Caeim and the entire Solar System is brought under the wing of the Terran Autocracy.

3108-3653 A.S.  5064-5609 AD
The Second Era
    Beginning with the reign of Autocrat Oetibus Caemea, the Autocrats are granted near absolute power. Many of them become tyrants.

c.3240 A.S.
     In the Cardo System (Iota Persei): The planet Cardea is colonised by the Epaphians, but Earth eyes her up greedily.

3268 A.S.
     Autocrat Nedder Binoethis launches the Invasion of Cardea.
An ill-fated adventure, destined to shape the history of Cardea for centuries to come.

3305 A.S.  Tau Ceti Year 2298
[3317 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Tau Ceti System: Thromius the Great founds the Abderitan Kingdom on the planet Abderus.

3321 A.S.
[3379 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     18 parsecs away: The planet Daraban, a small, very Mars-like planet in a star system near Aldebaraan, is colonised by dissidents from Mars.

3363 A.S.  Phaethon Year 1666
[3368 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
    On the planet Phaethon: The Uriah Valley Massacre
When news reaches Earth of a terrible calamity on Phaethon involving the Crimson Plague, Autocrat Perreb Cethis orders a systematic eradication of the alien disease.

Terran presence on the planet now sparks the slow revival of Phaethian civilisation.

3366 A.S.  Tau Ceti Year 2376
[3378 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Tau Ceti System: The declining Epistemian Union withdraws it's forces from the system.
Deianara becomes independent once more.

3388 A.S.
[3424 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Heliar System (54 Piscium): The planet Juturna is colonised by the Abderitan Kingdom.
     (also some Deianarans, Epaphians, Terrans and Cardeans).

c.3400 A.S.
     In the Cardo System: Terraformation begins on Monstella, Cardea's sister planet.

3423 A.S.  Mars Year 1821
     Collapse of the Martian Republic

c.3440 A.S.
     In the Rana System: Deianara begins building colonies on planet Danaus.

3455 A.S.
[3482 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     8 parsecs away: Alula Australis, a system with two potentially inhabitable worlds, is occupied by Deianaran forces.

3546 A.S.  Mars Year 1886
     Autocrat Ieirn Tempis brings Mars back under the protective wings of the Terran Autocracy.

c.3550 A.S.
     10 parsecs away: The mystical planet Phanta in the Alpha Mensae System is colonised by mystics from Deianara.

3602 A.S.
     Autocrat Caesis Caemea comes into power. The last and worst of the Second Era tyrants.

3623 A.S.  Belusian Year 301
[3653 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Danaus: All the Deianaran administrators are treacherously killed by Danaean daughters, striking off the Danai-Belusian Wars.
Lineis, the sole survivor of the treacherous assault, leads the forces of Belus to victory and seizes the throne of Danaus.

3649-3653 AS
The Caemean Civil War
occurs on Earth
     A number of semi-independent "Unions" lead an uprising against the authoritarian Autocrat Caesis Caemea.

3653 A.S.
Autocrat Caesis Caemea is assassinated.
     His successor, Autocrat Nedderis Doessir, formerly a Union Tribune, issues reforms limiting the power of the autocrat and restores order to the Autocracy.

3653-3899 A.S.  5609-5855 AD
The Third Era
    After the civil war, the secondary echelons of power in the Autocracy, ie. The Senate, the Collegiates, the Assembly, etc. gain more power while the power of the Autocrat himself is limited.

3789-3804 A.S.  Phaethon Years 1889-1897
[3793-3808 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: The Second Globe War

3800 A.S.  Phaethon Year 1895
[3804 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: The rocket-ship is re-invented on Phaethon.

3837-3866 A.S.  Tau Ceti Years 2976-3014
[3859-3888 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Deianara: The reign of Malnomos, the draconian lawgiver.

3892 A.S.
[3919 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Alula Australis System: Colonisation begins on the moon Astralis and the planet Lavinia.
     Exiled from Deianara to this undeveloped system by the draconian lawgiver Malnomos, Queen Palanta and her daughter Lavinia oversee the beginning of the terraformation of these two new worlds.

3899-4366 A.S.  5855-6322 AD
The Fourth Era
    Beginning with the reign of Autocrat Neifer Coeris, the Collegiates, those branches of the Terran government controlling industry, trade and commerce, become insanely powerful. Individual Magistrates (the leaders of the Collegiates) becoming nearly as powerful as the Autocrat himself.

c.3900 A.S.
     Construction begins on the Frontier Defense, a swarm of billions of automated sentry drones surrounding the outer Solar System to protect from outside invasion.

3913-3919 A.S.  Phaethon Years 1954-1957
[3917-3923 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: The Third Globe War

3916 A.S.  Lavinia Year‡ 1
[3943 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Alula Australis System: Princess Lavinia becomes queen of the planet Lavinia and marries the Phaethian starship mechanic, Turner McArthur.

‡One year on Lavinia is equal to about 1.095 Earth years,
One year on Astralis is equal to about 1.096 Earth years.

3931 A.S.
     Autocrat Neifer Coeris completes construction on the Umbra Tower, a one mile tall tower in the city of Nova Eburicum that is to be the new financial office of the Autocracy and headquarters of the Collegiates.

3954 A.S.  Phaethon Year 1975
     On the planet Phaethon: Captain James Starkey is born.

3972 A.S.  Phaethon Year 1985
     From the planet Phaethon: Jim Starkey and his intrepid crewmates embark on their adventures in space aboard the hardy shuttle-craft the Wayward Son...

3989 A.S.
     Autocrat Raetedis Dedeifer (formerly the Magistrate of the Mining and Resource Collegiate) launches an invasion against Phaethon.

3995-4020 A.S.  Phaethon Years 1997-2010
[3999-4024 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
The Phaethian War
    Phaethon is ultimately defeated and annexed by the Terran Autocracy.
    The city of Enduria is built as the new capital of the Terran regime on the planet.

4137 A.S.
     Autocrat Ferren Caeifer launches an invasion against Epaphus.

4152-4159 A.S.  1992-2004 A.E. on Epaphus
[4162-4169 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
The Epaphian War
    The Terran invasion attempt topples the Epistemian Union but succeeds only in the acquisition of a modest sized territory on the planet: the province of Terrania.

4165 A.S.  Sireac Year 339
[4192 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
    On the planet Malakbel: The Genocide of the Malak Jihad
An invasion force from Sireac arrives at Malakbel where the Malaki, descendants of the Postmillenial Christian infidels, are slaughtered by the millions. Survivors evacuate the system aboard Merrodaeo's Ark.

4215 A.S.  2097 A.E. on Epaphus
[4225 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     At the moon Epaphus: The ancient starship, Merrodaeo's Ark, arrives, bringing with it the refugees of Malakbel.

4359 A.S.
    Work on the Frontier Defense is abandoned.
Workers in the Oort Cloud, fed up with abysmal working conditions, go on strike against the Defense Collegiate. The Magistrate, in turn refuses to return them to Earth until they continue their work.

Thus begins the Caeifian Revolution.

4361-4366 AS
The Caeifian Revolution
    Civil disorder erupts on Earth as workers and citizens stand up against the higher echelons of power. In the end, Uecer Caeif, (brother of the previous autocrat, Cepsis Caeif), a champion of the people, is appointed the position of Autocrat and unprecedented democratic freedoms are granted to the populace.

4366-5126 A.S.  6322-7082 AD
The Fifth Era
    Following the Caeifian Revolution, a more democratic Autocracy emerges. The upper echelons lose much of their former power as the populace is granted greater rights and privileges and the politcal landscape becomes dominated by demagogues and self-seekers.

c.4510 A.S.   c.2600 A.E. on Epaphus
     On the moon Epaphus: The Malaki unite with the Terranians.

     Loss of the Terran province on Epaphus.

c.4550 A.S.  Phaethon Year c.2300
     Rebellions on Phaethon begin to pose a serious threat to Terran occupation.

4553-4693 A.S.   2631-2897 A.E. on Epaphus  (E.Y. 5441-5707)
[4563-4703 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the moon Epaphus: The Reign of the Malaki Judges.

c.4600 A.S.
     13 parsecs away: The moon Ghearim in the Upsilon Andromedae System is colonised by the Cardeans.

4648 A.S.
     Birth of Leonis Dezecel. A Jewish man from Earth of musical fame destined to become the Epaphian messiah.

c.4670 A.S.
     12 parsecs away: The planet Strathona of the Georgium Sytem (85 Pegasi) is colonised by the Juturnans.

4678 A.S.
     Leonis Dezecel, a former music producer and fugitive from the law for embezzling, departs for Epaphus.

4693 A.S.  Year 1 of the Epaphian Messiah  (E.Y. 5707)
[4703 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the moon Epaphus: The Coming of Chalcus, the holy messiah.

4700 A.S.  Year 12 of the Epaphian Messiah
[4710 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the moon Epaphus: Holy Chalcus departs into the sky.

     Doctor Leon, the greatest of Chalcus' followers establishes "His Holy Empire".

c.4710 A.S.
     13 parsecs away: The double planet Fusan & Naraka of the Taiyan System (44 Boφtis) are colonised by Asiatic people from Andaman.

4713 A.S.
[4756 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     13 parsecs away: The planet Oenopion of the Chios System (58 Eridani) is colonised by the Belusians, Danaeans and Epaphians.

4715 A.S.
     Leonis Dezecel returns to Earth with tons of gold with which he is able to bribe away his charges. However, he soon gets shot and killed by a former croney who he screwed out of a lot of money years earlier.

4745 A.S.
[4786 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     13 parsecs away: The planet Leoth of the Sigela System (Lambda Aurigae) is colonised by the Cardeans.

4812-4820 A.S.  Tau Ceti Years 4221-4231
[4824-4842 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Deianara: The reign of Nicator, the Master Conqueror.

4829 A.S.  Mars Year 2569
The Autocracy Loses Mars
     Agatha Daemon of the Mariner Valleys leads Mars to victory in the revolt against the Terrans (4792-4829) and Mars wins it's independence.

Agatha Daemon is made King of Mars.

4886 A.S.  405th Venusian Turning
The Autocracy Loses Venus
    Terran Procurator Ciepra Cithera declares herself Autocrat of Venus and severes ties with Terran Autocracy of Earth.

Venus regains her independence for the first time in over two thousand years.

c.4950 A.S.  circa Year 400 of the Epaphian Messiah
     On the moon Epaphus: The Apostates seperate from His Holy Empire.

c.4980 A.S.
     11 parsecs away: The planet Rutulia of the Ardea System (11 Leonis Minoris) is colonised by the Astralisians.

c.5000 A.S.
     The Terran Autocracy begins to lose control over the outer space colonies throughout the Solar System.

5004 A.S.
[5044 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     12 parsecs away: The planets Eternia and Etheria of the Zeta Reticuli System are colonised by mystics from Phanta.

5056 A.S.  Lavinia Year 1041
[5083 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Alula Australis System: The planets Lavinia and Astralis, whose orbits bring them within a million miles of eachother once every 1,042 standard years, make their first close pass since settlement began.

5088 A.S.  Year 660 of the Epaphian Messiah
[5100 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the moon Epaphus: The Final Battle between the Apostates and the Followers of Chalcus.

Fall of His Holy Empire

5126 A.S.
     Autocrat Aedem Uenis is murdered in an apparent random act of violence.
Oeddis Teddea, the incompetent Curator of the Assembly, is appointed to be succeed Uenis as the next Autocrat.

5126-5573 A.S.  7082-7529 AD
The Sixth Era
    Following the assassination of Autocrat Aedem Uenis, a series of incompetent autocrats come into power and the Autocracy falls into a slow and irreversible decline. Crime, poverty and intraprovincial wars become commonplace.
Provincial governors become more and more powerful as central government deteriorates.

5188 A.S.  Phaethon Year 2621
[5192 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: Rebels take the city of Enduria and the Terran government on Phaethon is forced to move their capital to the mountain fortress of Reevan.

5445-5455 A.S.  475th to 476th Venusian Turnings
The Jingshing War
    The incompetent Autocrat Neifer Pebea sends millions of troops to Venus to assist the Venusian Autocracy against the Jingshing rebels.
This waste of lives and resources brings further disrespect for the autocrat from his peers and his people.

Beginning of the Jingshing Dynasty on Venus.

c.5510 A.S.
     many parsecs away:The desert planet Horak is colonised by Gypsies from Sireac.

5551-5566 A.S.  Phaethon Years 2811-2819
[5556-5570 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: The Phaethian War of Revolt
An army of five kingdoms led by the great Haldor the Brave rise up against the remaining Terran province on Phaethon.
Following the bitter war with local powers, occupying Terran forces are forced to retreat back to Earth.

A fleet Phaethian warships follows in pursuit....

5564-5573 AS
The Great Southern War

     Thalestris Caeger, the young, upstart governor of Amazonea, claims to defect from the Terran Autocracy, precipitating a nine year civil war.

5573 A.S.
     A Phaethian war fleet arrives at Earth, attacks the Terran capital of Nova Eburicum and captures the Terran Autocrat, Nedderis Merrenir.
The occupying Phaethians make an alliance with Thalestris Caeger, bringing the civil war to an end and establishing a new "Southern Autocracy" in South America with Thalestris as the first Southern Autocrat seated in his capital of Heramagna (in present-day Brazil near the mouth of the Amazon).

The 1st Interregnum Era
5573-6316 A.S.
(7529-8272 AD)

Slowly growing corrupt over the course of generations, the Autocracy finally collapses after a series of rebellions, civil wars, and finally, the invasion by the Phaethians, it's former subjects.
Just as it was in ages past, the Earth is once again ruled by dozens of seperate nation-states, each with their own agenda, fighting bloody wars with eachother and hoarding the wealth of the world in the hands of the rich while many regions fall into poverty.

5573-5582 A.S.
The Phaethian occupation of Nova Eburicum

5582 A.S.
     After the withdrawal of the Phaethian war fleet, Neiter Caeir takes up power in Nova Eburicum and rules over North America in the name of the Terran Autocracy. While Thalestris Caeger and his Heramagna minions rule over all of South America, all other former provinces and regions of the Autocracy are now completely independent.
Wars are common and many regions fall into poverty.

5606 A.S.
     Upon the death of Northern Autocrat Neiter Caeir, his son Mensear Caeir takes up the office of Autocrat, and for the first time ever the position becomes hereditary.

5665 A.S.  Sireac Year 657
    In the Sirean Sector: Founding of the First Sirean Empire

     The planet Zarmina, on whome the sun stands still, is colonised by the Sireans.

c.5690 A.S.
     15 parsecs away: The planets Heraion and Asterion of the Eta Leporis System are colonised by the Oenopian Empire.

5797-5804 AS
The Second Great Southern War

     Heramagna, under Southern Autocrat Kendor Nefercor, conquers Oenotria, Ostrellia, and Pannesia (Antarctica, Australia, and the Polynesian islands).

c.5850 A.S.
     13 parsecs away: The moon Enuma of the Tiamat System (Rho Cancri) is colonised by the Astralisians.

c.5960 A.S.
     15 parsecs away: The farm planet Mannola of the Helvetios System (51 Pegasi) is colonised by farmers from the planet Strathona.

5964 A.S.   Phaethon Year 3027,  year: 1 in the Calreighan Reckoning
[5968 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: The birth of Prince Calreigh the Magnificent, saviour of Phaethon.

5984-5995 AS
The Third Great Southern War

     Aecar Kaeitis, the greatest of the Southern Autocrats, together with his son Merribor, conquers all of Africa and south Asia in the name of Heramagna.

6009 A.S.  Sireac Year 730
     "Amrita", the Elixer of Life, a milky bio-substance which gives immortality to the children of those who drink it, is discovered in the oceans of Zarmina by two young Deianaran adventurers.
     Their secret not revealed, it is lost to the mysts of legend for millenia.

6026 A.S.   34 C.R. on Phaethon
[6031 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: The Death of Calreigh, Lord and Saviour of Phaethon.

6049 A.S.  Tau Ceti Year 5799
     On the planet Deianara: Larissa, the Witch of Erimos Island, is born.
The first immortal child in the universe, her parents having tasted the Elixer of Immortality.

c.6100 A.S.
     14 parsecs away: The planets Nereus and Niveus (10 Tauri) are colonised by the Oenopian Empire.

6165 A.S.
The Treaty of Caepelion
     Northern Autocrat Aened Caeir signs a pact with the nations of Europe and northern Asia bringing them all under the wing of the Northern Autocracy.

6249 A.S.
[6260 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     6 parsecs away: The planet Zarmina is struck by a thousand mile wide asteroid and all life there is obliterated.

c.6270 A.S.
     In the Sirean Sector: Fall of the First Sirean Empire

6279 A.S.
     Taebis Mentim, general in the Northern army, becomes autocrat of the North upon the death of the childless Merren Caeir.

6301-6316 AS
The Collation War

     Einif Iniot, chief lieutenant of Taebis Mentim, leads a war against the forces of Heramagna, eventually defeating them and uniting Earth once again under the power of Nova Eburicum.

Founding of the Second Terran Autocracy

The Second Terran Autocracy
6316-9304 A.S.
(8272-11,260 AD)

After 700 years of global anarchy, the Autocracy is re-established; only this time ruling as a sort of isolationist monarchy, forgetting the principle of individual merit in favor of inheritance.
That is until thirteen hundred years later when the reforms of Eegon Cuedaeir restored the original constitution made by Cyrus Basileus nearly six thousand years earlier.

   The 8th Era
       6316-6933 A.S.   
 617 years
   The 9th Era
       6933-7639 A.S.
 706 years
   The 10th Era
       7639-9304 A.S.
 1,665 years

6316-6933 A.S.  8272-8889 AD
The Eighth Era
    The Iniot-Mentim Dynasty

6353 A.S.
     Following the deaths of his father and the great Taebis Mentim, Cereis Iniot becomes Autocrat Iniot II and allies himself with the esteemed Mentim family to continue the hereditary tradition founded by Neiter Caeir seven centuries earlier.

6534 A.S.   299 C.R. on Phaethon
     On the planet Phaethon: The Founding of the Toliman Catholic Empire

6933 A.S.
     Upon the death of Mentim IX, a triumvirate consisting of Eimis Amenim, Cienear Coenis and Oeccis Cesois usurp the head of state and install Eimis as Autocrat Amenim I, beginning a new political dynasty.

6933-7639 A.S.  8889-9595 AD
The Ninth Era
    The Amenim-Coenis Dynasty

c.7400 A.S.
Man has colonised 100 planets.
     His colonies extending across 150 light-years and his farthest explorations reaching 600 parsecs*.

*Due to the limitation of the speed-of-light, the transmissions from the farthest deep-space probes take thousands of years to reach Earth.
While farthest probes are currently actually close to 900 parsecs distant, the farthest transmissions to reach Earth are only from 600 parsecs away.

7608 A.S.
[7679 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     22 parsecs away: The Atar System is colonised. Destined to one day be the home of the heroic Jeshuron people.

7639 AS
Cuedaeir's Reformation

     General Eegon Cuedaeir rests power from Autocrat Coebecea Basilissa putting an end to the rule of hereditary power and re-instating the original Terran constitution.

Beginning of the longest and most stable era in the history of the Terran Autocracy.

7639-9304 A.S.  9595-11,260 AD
The Tenth Era
    The longest, most peaceful, and just era in the history of the Terran Autocracy.

7885 A.S.  Tau Ceti Year 8141
[7897 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Tau Ceti System: The Great Destruction
After a generations long war, the civilisations of Abderus and Deianara are reduced to rubble while hunter-seeker robot warships are left active in space, preventing any safe visitation of the system.

8035-8087 A.S.
     The reign of Autocrat Harned Heriot.

8044 A.S.  10,000 AD
     Ichob the farm boy arrives on Earth from the planet Mannola.

8653-8693 A.S.  Tau Ceti Years 9122-9173
[8665-8705 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     The Hunter-Seeker War is waged in the Tau Ceti System
Launched in 8639 by orders of Coebec Oetibus III, the Tau Ceti System is reclaimed from the automated hunter-seeker warships that have prowled the system for centuries.

8761 A.S.
     The first wave of Terran colonists depart for Deianara and Abderus after Autocrat Neifer Oetibus I declares the Tau Ceti System safe for reinhabitation.

c.9000 A.S.
     With a global population growing to over 250 billion, debate begins brewing in upper circles over what should be done about the problem.

9226 A.S.  Lavinia Year 4849
[9253 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Alula Australis System: Astralis and Lavinia make their historic Fifth Pass.

9304 A.S.
     Endid Neiesis, governor of the Pretannia Province (the present-day British Isles) and a staunch Eugenicist, forms an allegiance with nearby provinces and assumes sovereign power for himself.

     Global civil war erupts when he begins to cull the population with the state-sponsered execution of millions of his subjects.
     By now, it is clear beyond doubt that the unity, peace and stability of the second Terran Autocracy is gone for good.

The 2nd Interregnum Era
9304-10,263 A.S.
(11,260-12,200 AD)

Despite the enlightened reforms of Autocrat Eegon Cuedaeir, the Autocracy buckles under the weight of her own growing population and civil war erupts as different provinces wish to deal with the problem in their own ways. Exacerbating these dire straits, Earth is invaded first by the Martians and then by the Venusians who split the world between them for centuries until the great Terran hero, Verris Viniot, defeats the first of the Martian kingdoms.

9304-9334 AS
The Eugenics War
(The Cull)
     Billions of people are killed in one of the most horrific wars in history. Billions of more people die when a deadly, artificial virus is unleashed upon the Earth.

9334 A.S.  Mars Year 4964
The Martian Invasion
and the
Flooding of the Mediterranean

     The Martian Kingdom, under King Harrid Saegar, taking advantage of the chaotic situation on Earth, bombards the Great Dam at the Straits of Gibraltar, which for over nine millenia has held back the risen sea levels of Post-Global Warming Earth from flooding the Mediterranean region. And, with this mighty edifice destroyed the floodgates are opened and, within days, entire regions from Spain to the Caspian Sea are flooded under 220 feet of sea-water.

In the aftermath of this terrible atrocity, the Martian armada swoops in and invades much of Europe, North Africa and the Middle-East and establish a local capital amongst the ruins of the devasted city of Aevaris (in modern-day Turkey).

9335 A.S.  961st Venusian Turning
The Venusian Invasion
     Unwilling to let Mars take all the spoils, the Jingshing Dynasty of Venus invades much of the Eastern Hemisphere and install their own seat of power on Caedon Island (modern-day Shandong, China).

9344-9399 A.S.
     The Martian Aevarians conquer all of South America while the Venusian Caedonians conquer all of Australasia and the Pacific.

9399 A.S.
     Oenotria surrenders its territories to the Martians and Venusians, leaving only the Terran provinces in North America unconquered.

9480 A.S.  Mars Year 5041
     The Aevarians invade the last Terran strongholds in North America and virtually all of Earth is conquered.

9497 A.S.  Mars Year 5050
     Aevarian ruler Aepebeis Aekenar assumes independent rule apart from Mars following the death of Martian King, Kaen Hieanar. This brazen act foiling the hopes of Kaen's cruel and incompetent son to rule over Earth. He is Anassoel.

c.9500 A.S.
Man has colonised 200 planets.
     His colonies extending across 170 light-years, his farthest explorations reaching 800 parsecs.

9531 A.S.
     Upon the death of Aekenar, the Aevarian possessions on Earth fracture into thirteen seperate kingdoms.

9594-9608 A.S.
The Solar System War
     The forces of Earth, Mars, and Venus duke it out in the greatest interplanetary war in the history of the Solar System.
In the end, all three war-torn planets descend into political chaos.

A young Rae Oetibus would cut his teeth in this war, defending Earth with the forces of Aevarian Babelonea.

9606 A.S.  995th Venusian Turning
     The Caedonians secede from the Jingshing Dynasty of Venus and the Caedonian Territory on Earth becomes independent of Venusian rule.

9652-9666 AS
The Terran Resistance

     The rebel Rae Oetibus of Babelonea (the Middle-East) fights a guerrilla war against the Aevarian overlords. At his death the young hero Verris Viniot takes up the leadership of the resistance.

Under his leadership the Terrans win the guerrilla war against the Aevarians and establish an independent Terran state in Babelonea.

9666-10,200 A.S.
     The Terran state of Babelonea conquers Europe, India, and Central and Northern Asia while Caedonian territory is reduced to the province of Cathaeis (modern-day China) and the Aevarian kingdoms fight amongst themselves.

9736 A.S.  Year 8430 of the Epaphian Messiah
[9756 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the moon Epaphus: The great prophet, Omni Helaman, restores belief in Holy Chalchus and the Faith of the Followers is re-established 7,770 Epaphian years after His Holy Empire was defeated by the Apostates.

10,082 A.S.   2156 C.R. on Phaethon   Year 9009 of the Epaphian Messiah
[10,086 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: The Calreighan Crusades commence
A centuries long series of religious wars between Calreighans of the planet Phaethon and the Followers of Chalcus of Epaphus.

10,248-10,260 AS
The Last Aevarian War

     Babelonean Autocrat Caemis Nebettor forms an alliance with the Caedonians and fights a war of conquest against the remaining Aevarian kingdoms, defeating all the remaining Martian power on Earth.
A soldier as well as a leader, Caemis dies on the battlefield a month before the last Aevarian resistance is defeated.

10,263 A.S.
     Babelonean Autocrat Aemis Nebettor, brother of the late Caemis, signs a treaty with the Caedonians welcoming them into the Autocracy and once again the Terran Autocracy becomes the sole power on Earth.

Beginning of the Third Terran Autocracy.

The Third Terran Autocracy
10,263-13,218 A.S.
(12,200-15,200 AD)

After a thousand years of subservience under the Martians and Venusians, Earth is reconquered and is once again united under the wise rule of the Terran Autocracy.
   This would be the era of the Terran Empire, the greatest interstellar empire mankind has ever seen. Lasting 1,800 years, the great empire controlled seven inhabited worlds with outposts in dozens of star systems. With unprecedented proseperity the population climbed until more than a thousand billion souls inhabited the Earth and a dense cityscape sprawled across all her lands.
This age of glory was to come to an end after Muat the Pirate Lord led his legions of interstellar space pirates to invade the Terran Empire, ravaging world after world.

 The 12th Era
  10,263-11,669 A.S.
 1,406 years
 The 13th Era
  11,669-12,303 A.S.
 634 years
 The 14th Era
  12,303-13,218 A.S.
 915 years

10,263-11,669 A.S.  12,219-13,625 AD
The Twelth Era
The Rise of the Terran Empire

10,324 A.S.  1085th Venusian Turning
     Autocrat Mennot I signs a treaty with Gubai, the last Jingshing Emperor of Venus, and the planet becomes a part of the Terran Autocracy.

10,525-10,540 A.S.  Mars Years 5597-5605
     Autocrat Daemis I reconquers the planet Mars.

10,540-10,660 A.S.
     Autocrats Daemis I and his clone, Daemis II, reconquer the entire Solar System and restore the ancient Frontier Defense to protect against outside invasion.

10,652 A.S.  2455 C.R. on Phaethon
[10,656 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: Following his victory in the Thirteenth Calreighan Crusade, the evil Lord Draugar the Necromancer lords over the whole planet with an iron fist.

10,706 A.S.
     Autocrat Daemis III, second clone of Daemis I, sends invasion fleets to both the planets Phaethon and Epaphus, led by two other clones, Daemis Cet and Daemis Cin.

10,712 A.S.  Phaethon Year 5512,   (2486 C.R.)
[10,716 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: Daemis Cet's invasion fleet arrives and effortlessly crushes Lord Draugar's empire, liberating the Phaethian people and bringing that planet under the wing of the Terran Empire.

10,720-10,735 A.S.  Years 10,075-10,100 of the Epaphian Messiah
[10,730-10,745 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the moon Epaphus: Daemis Cin's invasion fleet arrives at Epaphus and fights a long drawn out war, but conquers that world too in the name of the Terran Empire.

10,746 A.S.
     Autocrat Daemis IV, the fifth clone of Daemis I, sends an invasion fleet to the Tau Ceti System (led by Daemis Cev, the sixth clone of Daemis I) to conquer the planets Abderus and Deianara, both already crippled by centuries of interplanetary war.

10,761-10,765 A.S.  Tau Ceti Years 11,811-11,816
[10,773-10,777 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Tau Ceti System: The planets Abderus and Deianara are conquered in the name of the Terran Empire.

c.11,000 A.S.
Matter Conversion is invented
     The first new energy source the universe has ever seen in thousands of years. It outperforms even antimatter, and allows for starships to travel at speeds of 90% lightspeed or faster.

11,077-11,172 A.S.
     The reign of Autocrat Mennot IV, better known as Aeden the Atheist.
Abolishes the Mundian Order and all religion in the Autocracy.

11,172 A.S.
     After the death of his father Aeden, Mennar Mennot becomes Autocrat Mennot V.
Restores the Mundian Order and revives freedom of belief.

11,669-12,303 A.S.  13,625-14,259 AD
The Thirteenth Era
The Height of the Terran Empire

11,781 A.S.
     The Colossus is constructed on orders of Autocrat Aemen Messeus I.
A five mile tall tower in Nova Babelonea to serve as the seat of the Terran government and house of the Autocrat

c.11,999-12,033 A.S.
     many parsecs away: The life of He-Man, hero of Eternia.

c.12,000 A.S.
     The population of Earth hits a peak of over a trillion people.

12,117 A.S.
     Autocrat Aemen Messeus II oversees the completion of Sardis, the greatest space colony ever made.

12,150 A.S.
[12,202 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     16 parsecs away: Daggala, great tribal leader on the planet Dagon, defeats the mighty Empire of Dushara and claims the title of Emperor for himself.

     Daggala's Jihad
The new mighty emperor launches a mighty war of conquest against all the systems surrounding his little world.

12,196-12,203 A.S.   Malakbel Years 4691-4694
[12,223-12,230 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Mu Herculis System: The planet Malakbel is conquered and subjugated when Daggala's Jihad sweeps through the system.

12,205-12,225 A.S.   Sireac Years 2042-2046
[12,222-12,242 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Altair System: The planet Sireac is conquered in Daggala's Jihad.

12,209-12,223 A.S.   Andaman Years 18,272-18,298
[12,228-12,242 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     In the Alsafi System: Andaman is defeated in Daggala's Jihad.

12,303-13,218 A.S.  14,259-15,174 AD
The Fourteenth Era
The Decline of the Terran Empire
    During the final centuries of the Third Autocracy the glory of the Empire was no more and the Autocrats of the Faraeo Dynasty struggled to feed a thousand billion souls. More and more people found themselves turning to religion during these trying times and the Mundian Order, the religious order of the Terran Autocracy since time immemorial, became more and more powerful until finally - after the Fall of Sardis - they assumed complete authority and ushered in the end of the Third Terran Autocracy.

12,303-12,348 AS
The Space Pirate Wars

    An army of space pirates led by the infamous Muat the Pirate Lord ravage the worlds of the Terran Empire.
Terran victory under Autocrat Faraeo III secures the office of autocrat for him and his descendants for the next 900 years but ultimately fails to save the empire which falls into slow decline.

12,311 A.S.  Tau Ceti Year 13,789
[12,323 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     The Terran Empire abandons the Tau Ceti System which has been utterly ravaged by the space pirates.

12,601 A.S.
     Autocrat Faraeo IX, by declaration, abandons all possessions of the Terran Empire outside the Solar System.

12,605 A.S.  Phaethon Year 6502
[12,609 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: Word has reached of Faraeo IX's declaration. Legions of Terran troops return to Earth but Terran style government continues to function on the planet under new "Phaethian Autocrat" Dallis Encoeris.

Founding of the Phaethian Autocracy

12,611 A.S.  Year 13,236 of the Epaphian Messiah
[12,621 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     Epaphus recieves word of Faraeo IX's declaration. In the absence of Terran rule, the religious leaders take over and the Omnian Theocracy is formed?

c.13,000 A.S.
Man has colonised 500 planets.
    His colonies extending across 250 light-years, his farthest explorations reaching 1,200 parsecs.

c.13,100 A.S.
     Central government begins to lose control as terrorist anarchist groups, such as Venom Force, rise up and cause mayhem everywhere. The intellectual and religious leaders of the Mundian Order assert their authority to try to the keep the peace.

13,191 A.S.  Mars Year 7014
     Mars secedes from the Terran Autocracy.

13,218 A.S.
The Fall of Sardis
     Autocrat Faraeo IXX is killed aboard Sardis, a 40-mile long space colony in orbit beyond the Moon, as it is attacked by a large explosion set by Venom Force terrorists.
De-orbited by the force of the explosion, the massive space colony falls toward the Earth and crashes into South Africa, destroying most of that country and shrouding the skies of Earth in a cloud of smoke and ash for several months.

     Global pandemonium erupts in the wake of this terrible atrocity and Caemen Deis, Prime Pontifis of the Mundian Order steps in to assume control and restore order to the Earth.

Fall of the Third Terran Autocracy

The 3rd Interregnum
13,218-16,326 A.S.
(15,200-18,300 AD)

For three thousand years after the Fall of Sardis, the great Terran Autocracy was no more and existed only as a memory.
During these centuries, the Earth was ruled over by a succession of greater and lesser powers. The Mundian Order, Hyperborea, Tolead, and Nubea to name but a few. One becoming more powerful than the next over the long ages. That is until finally, after the Autocracy was lost to the mysts of ancient history, autocratic authority, supreme over all the Earth, was once again restored by the great and noble Caen Cedric.
   The 15th Era
       13,218-13,856 A.S.   
638 years
   The 16th Era
       13,856-14,804 A.S.
 948 years
   The 17th Era
       14,804-15,540 A.S.
 736 years
   The 18th Era
       15,540-15,731 A.S.
 191 years
   The 19th Era
       15,731-16,326 A.S.
 595 years

13,218-13,856 A.S.  15,174-15,812 AD
The Fifteenth Era
    The Mundian Era
All of Earth under the control of the pseudo-theocratic Mundian Order.

   13,220 A.S.  1448th Venusian Turning
     The newly incubent Mundian Order abandons Venus.

     The Feudal Period begins on Venus

c.13,230 A.S.
     Planetary engineering is abandoned and Earth, which has been temperate and warm across the globe ever since global warming melted the ice caps twelve thousand years earlier, begins slipping into a new ice age as the climate slowly cools.

13,833-13,872 A.S.  Phaethon Years 7145-7165
[13,837-13,877 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Phaethon: The Illustrious Reign of Phaethian Autocrat Tiberius Jackson

13,848-13,856 AS
The Hyperborean War

     A legion of warships, sent by Phaethian Autocrat Tiberius Jackson, arrive at Earth and wages war with the Mundian Order.
In the end, the Mundians are defeated and secede three provinces surrounding the Arctic Ocean to the Phaethian forces.
These three provinces ultimately establish their own independent nation.

Hyperborea, the nation of the north, is founded

13,856-14,804 A.S.  15,812-16,760 AD
The Sixteenth Era
    With the victory of Hyperborea in north, the Mundian Order's dominance over the Earth is brought to an end, ushering in a new era where it must share it's power with other great nation-states.

13,874-14,045 AS
The First Sovereignty Wars

     Over the course of two centuries, several provinces of the Mundian Order revolt against their theocratic overlords, bringing an end to their dominance of the Earth.

13,874 A.S.
     Amazonea (South America) and Babelonea (the Middle-East) become the first provinces since Hyperborea to win their independence from the Mundian Order.

13,913 A.S.
     Amazonea invades the Mundian province of Oenotria (Antarctica).

     Founding of the Amazonean Empire

13,964 A.S.
     India wins it's sovereignty.
Led by the wise guru, Bapue Maea, India throws off the shackles of the Mundian Order.

13,999 A.S.
     Cathaeis (China) wins it's sovereignty.

14,045 A.S.
     Ostrellia (Australia) wins it's sovereignty.
The last province to win it's independence for the next 700 years; the Mundian Order now controlling only Europe, Africa and half of North America.

14,769-14,804 AS
The Second Sovereignty Wars

     Rebellions rise up against the theocratic dominance of the Mundian Order and throughout the Mundian Territories they are met with bloody retaliation.
     A coalition of independent nations, led by Amazonea, come to the aid of the religious rebels and in one of the bloodiest wars of the Third Interregnum Period. They succeed in bringing down the power of the Mundians, but it is a pyrrhic victory for Amazonea whose power is all but completely diminished in the effort.

Fall of the Mundian Order and the Amazonean Empire
     Africa, Europe, and South America, former territories of the Mundian Order and the Amazonean Empire, are broken up into independent nations while the remainder of North America comes under the power of the northern nation of Hyperborea.

14,804-15,540 A.S.  16,760-17,496 AD
The Seventeenth Era
The Hyperborean Era
    With the power of the Mundian Order broken and defeated, the Earth is now controlled by a smattering of independent nation-states with Hyperborea dominating as the sole superpower.

14,985 A.S.
     The Terran Baseball Championship is held in Forpetra, Hyperborea (modern-day Fort McMurray, Canada).

15,121-15,128 A.S.
The First Hyperborean Civil War

15,492-15,498 A.S.
The Second Hyperborean Civil War
     At the conclusion of the war, Hyperborea is broken up into a few seperate nation-states surrounding the Arctic Ocean.

Fall of the Northern Nation of Hyperborea

15,515-15,540 AS
The Tolean War

     Tacoe Tufnec, commanding from the city of Tolead (Toledo, Spain), leads a war of conquest across Europe and Africa, filling in the power vacuum left by the fall of Hyperborea.

Founding of the Tolean Empire.

15,540-15,731 A.S.  17,496-17,687 AD
The Eighteenth Era
The Tolean Era
    The Tolean Empire dominates as the major power on the Earth.

15,725-15,731 AS
The Nubean Revolution

     The African revolutionary, Sais Kastir, rises up against the Tolean tyrant, Buretoe Baesoroe. Destroys the city of Tolead and assumes the title of Autocrat, reigning from his capital city of Nebbeda.

Founding of the Nubean Autocracy

15,731-16,326 A.S.  17,687-18,282 AD
The Ninteenth Era
The Nubean Era
    The Nubean Autocrats, ruling from their city of Nebbeda, West Africa, reign supreme over nearly the entire planet.

15,775-15,808 AS
The Nubean Invasion of the World

     The black Nubean Autocrat, Maettar Paea, attempts to conquer all of Earth and, in the end, is resisted only by the remnant nations of Hyperborea: Hyperborea Proper (modern-day Canada), Maeirca (modern-day United States), Cordillera (the Rocky Mountains and western sea-board) and Tacsaeis (surrounding the Gulf of Mexico).

15,818-15,826 A.S.  Tau Ceti Years 18,264-18,274
[15,830-15,838 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Deianara: The reign of Coris Ajax, the new Master Conqueror.

c.16,000 A.S.
Man has colonised 1,000 planets.
    His colonies extending across 300 light-years, his farthest explorations reaching 1,600 parsecs.

16,100 A.S.  Sireac Year 2867
     On the planet Sireac: The birth of the immortal Galannar, destined to be king of kings.

16,275 A.S.
     Nubean Autocrat Taebarsir sends legions of Terran troops on a twenty-three year flight to the planet Andalus to fight against the colonial ambitions of Sireac's Akturan Empire.

16,294-16,321 AS
Cedric's Rebellion

     Frustrated by the millions of young Terrans being sent off to the war on Andalus, the Hyperborean, Caen Cedric, leads a twenty-seven year uprising against the Nubean Empire.

16,298-16,341 A.S.  Andalus Years 12,602-12,641
[12,318-12,360 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
The Andalusian War
    Fought by Nubean Autocrats Taebarsir and Tantaminis on the planet Andalus.

16,321 A.S.
     After twenty-seven long years of rebellion, Caen Cedric personally slays the Nubean tyrant Tantaminis in his palace in Nebbeda, once and for all defeating the power of the Nubean Empire.

16,326 A.S.
     Autocrat Cedric I signs a treaty with the remnant nations of Hyperborea, consolidating the territories of the defeated Nubean Empire.
The ancient Collosus, the five mile tall tower constructed by the Twelth Era Autocrat Aemen Messeus over five millenia earlier, is restored and a new global capital is established in the city of Nova Babelonea.
     Once again, after three thousand years, the entire planet is united under the one banner of the Terran Autocracy

The Fourth Terran Autocracy
16,326-17,138 A.S.
(18,300-19,094 AD)

For three thousand years the world has lived in darkness without the guiding light of the Autocracy until the great Caen Cedric arose and defeated the ruling power of the day, uniting Earth once again under the leading hand of the Autocrat.

16,326-17,138 A.S.  18,282-19,094 AD
The Twentieth Era

16,347 A.S.  1839th Venusian Turning
     Beginning of the Shindigou Dynasty on Venus.

16,364 A.S.
     The troops who fought on Andalus finally return home.

16,538 A.S.  Mars Year 8794,  1863rd Venusian Turning
     Autocrat Noecis I signs a treaty with Venus and Mars, establishing the Solar Federation.

16,912 A.S.  Sireac Year 3039
[16,929 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     On the planet Sireac: Galannar, who spent his first 800 years of life gathering power and prestige, creates a mighty army of his followers and conquers all of Sireac. Restoring the ancient Golden Kingdom, he rules from his capital at the city of Agribol as the Almighty King.

Founding of the New Golden Kingdom of Sireac

17,098 A.S.  Mars Year 9092
     King Caemis Polakiar of Mars makes an underhanded alliance with Galannar, the Almighty King of Sireac.

17,121 A.S.  Sireac Year 3083,  45th year in the Reign of Gallanar
[17,137 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     From the planet Sireac: Galannar, the Almighty Sirean King, sends a fleet of warships to invade Earth.

17,137 A.S.
    Daeis 340:
     A fleet of Sirean warships is detected approaching Earth, calculated to enter the Solar System around the month of Taurus.

17,138 AS
    Daeis 121:
The Sirean Invasion of Earth

     Autocrat Cedric III holds a feast on the top floor of the Colossus to celebrate his impending victory over the approaching Sirean warfleet. That same night the Sireans invade Earth, bombarding the planet with kinetic missiles from the outer Solar System. Cedric is taken alive and imprisoned on Sireac.

The Sirean prince, Samtehk I, is placed in power as the new, so-called autocrat.

The Sirean Era
17,138-17,520 A.S.
(19,093-19,476 AD)

The Attack of 17,138 in so many ways brought an end to the glory of the Autocracy, killing billions in one night and ushering in an era of rule by the Sirean Princes, who rule the Earth with ruthless hands.

17,138-17,216 A.S.
     The reign of Sirean Prince
             Samtehk I

17,216-17,303 A.S.
     The reign of Sirean Prince

17,303-17,376 A.S.
     The reign of Sirean Prince

17,376-17,455 A.S.
     The reign of Sirean Prince

17,455-17,520 A.S.
     The reign of Sirean Prince
             Samtehk II

17,520 A.S.
     Aemen Ardaeis, a descendant of the autocrats of the Twentieth Era, successfully usurps power from Sirean Prince Samtehk II, restoring the office of autocrat to it's rightful place in the hands of an Earth man.

The Final Terran Autocracy
17,520-18,401 A.S.
(19,476-20,357 AD)

After four hundred years of Sirean rule, Aemen Ardaeis drives the foreigners out and the Autocracy rules the Earth for another nine hundred years, but only as a shadow of it's former self. This however lasts for only so long before Earth is defeated once again by the Sireans.
   The 22nd Era
       17,520-17,620 A.S.   
 100 years
   The 23rd Era
       17,620-18,041 A.S.
 421 years
   The Last Era
       18,041-18,401 A.S.
 360 years

17,520-17,620 A.S.  19,476-19,576 AD
The Twenty-second Era
The reign of Autocrat Aemen Ardaeis, the Noble Usurper.

17,620 A.S.
     After a long reign, the aging Aemen Ardaeis is defeated and usurped in a civil war led by the Maeircan theologian Neifer Eitis.
Having usurped the title of Autocrat, Neifer rules alongside the Prime Pontifis of the Mundian Order in the holy city of Deimendeis.

17,620-18,041 A.S.  19,576-19,997 AD
The Twenty-third Era
The New Mundian Era

c.17,850 A.S.
     Autocrat Aeccoris Aesor, resists Sirean invasion with aid from Deianara.

18,041 A.S.
     After resting power from Neifir Eitis II, Autocrat Necrebis I removes the capital back to Nova Eburicum for the first time in nine thousand years, ushering in the final era of native Terran rule on Earth.

18,041-18,401 A.S.  19,997-20,357 AD
The Last Era
of the Terran Autocracy

18,129 A.S.  Tau Ceti Year 21,212
[18,141 A.S. from Earth's Perspective]
     4 parsecs away: The Tau Ceti Holocaust
After a long, drawn-out war, Deianara and Abderus bombard eachother's planets with nuclear warheads and civilisation on both worlds is destroyed.

18,401 A.S.  316th year in the Reign of Galannar
20,357 AD
The Fall of the Terran Autocracy
      The final Terran Autocrat, Necrebis III, bravely makes his last stand against the invading forces of Enmenleus, the immortal son of Galannar, the Almighty King of Sireac.

Necrebis defeated and slain, Enmenleus is placed in power as the Sirean Prince of Earth.


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